
(2 Reviews)



Tasting Notes:

Red Apple Lime Bergamot


Jorge Mira's Caturra-Colombia is sweet, citric and floral. Incredibly refined and balanced it has flavour notes of red apple, lime, and bergamot.

El Jaragual farm is in Amalfi, Antioquia, in the North of Colombia. Jorge Mira oversees the growing of many premium varietals of coffee at El Jaragual, which spans 150 hectares at an altitude of 1500 MASL. Large portions of the farm is dedicated forest, both conserved native and managed sustainable pine (Jorge was a forestry engineer). Refined processing techniques enhance and stabilise the aromatic qualities present in the coffee beans. Extended fermentation, yeast inoculation, warm rinses and cold quenches are all used to take the coffee to the next level of flavour.  

Caturra-Colombia is a well-balanced cup, with lots of interplaying flavours, that encourage you to sip inquisitively.

    Amalfi, Antioquia

    El Jaragual is a 150 hectare farm, 1500 MASL, in Amalfi, Antioquia, Colombia. Situated in the Northern Andes it is the perfect location to grow premium coffee varietals.

    Fruity and Refreshing

    With big flavours upfront of red apple and lime, this coffee is certainly one to enjoy on a morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up, due to its refreshing qualities. To finish, there is a delicious and unique bergamot taste.

    Advanced Processing

    Jorge's processing methods are meticulous and controlled. The beans are washed at 45°C to create a thermal shock. Then an extended fermentation with select yeasts for 62 hours at below 25°C. The fermentation is then sealed with a 5°C wash before drying occurs at 40°C.  

    Fruity Intensity

    Fruity Intensity

    Caturra-Colombia is a refreshing brew, with big fruity flavours. These flavours are refined and enhanced by Jorge Mira's advanced processing techniques.

    Brew Guide



    18g in, 40g out, extracted over 30(±3) seconds.


    35g coffee, 150ml water, brewed in 1:30. Dilute to taste with 150-200ml water.

    See More

    Caturra - Flavour Wheel


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